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2010-12-21_164639.JPG (45.27 KB)


网易微博分享 豆瓣网 搜狐微博
十二月 21 16:45:44.875 [Notice] Parsing GEOIP file.
十二月 21 16:46:03.421 [Notice] Renaming old configuration file to "C:\Documents and Settings\pony\Application Data\Vidalia\torrc.orig.1"
十二月 21 16:46:08.390 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 5%: Connecting to directory server. (Socket is not connected [WSAENOTCONN ]; NOROUTE; count 1; recommendation warn)
十二月 21 16:46:08.390 [Notice] Ignoring directory request, since no bridge nodes are available yet.
十二月 21 16:46:08.718 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 5%: Connecting to directory server. (Socket is not connected [WSAENOTCONN ]; NOROUTE; count 2; recommendation warn)
十二月 21 16:46:09.562 [Notice] Bootstrapped 10%: Finishing handshake with directory server.
十二月 21 16:46:09.968 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 10%: Finishing handshake with directory server. (DONE; DONE; count 5; recommendation warn)
十二月 21 16:46:20.953 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 10%: Finishing handshake with directory server. (DONE; DONE; count 8; recommendation warn)
十二月 21 16:48:52.328 [Notice] Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:80. Giving up. (waiting for circuit)
十二月 21 16:48:53.328 [Notice] Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:80. Giving up. (waiting for circuit)
