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Eagles2007年专辑 Long Road Out Of Eden

美国老牌乐队EAGLES於2007年推出全新专辑《Long Road Out of Eden》,这是他们自1979年的《The Long Run》大碟后,相隔二十八年才再出新专辑。 这支殿堂级乐队已於1981年解散,其新碟将收录20首新歌,公司亦会用过百万广告费为他们宣传。EAGLES在1971年成立,共推出过六张专辑,唱片销量已超过一亿二千万张,名曲《Hotel California 》更是街知巷闻,至今仍不时有人翻唱,魅力惊人。 Long Road Out of Eden is the seventh studio album by American rock band the Eagles and was released on October 30, 2007. For the first year after the album's initial release, it will be available in the United States exclusively via the band's website, Wal-Mart and Sam's Club stores, and commercially available through traditional retail outlets in other countries. Nearly six years in production, Long Road Out of Eden will be the first studio album from the Eagles since 1979. In 2006, a special edition exclusive to Wal-Mart of the DVD release, Farewell 1 Tour-Live from Melbourne, included a bonus CD with three studio versions of songs from Long Road Out of Eden: "No More Cloudy Days," "Do Something" and "Fast Company." On August 20, 2007, "How Long," written by J.D. Souther -- who had previously worked with the Eagles co-writing some of their biggest hits including "Best of My Love," "Victim of Love," "Heartache Tonight" and "New Kid in Town" -- was released as a single to radio with an accompanying online video at Yahoo! Music and debuted on television on CMT during the Top 20 Countdown on August 23, 2007. The band performed the song in the mid 1970s, but did not record it at the time due to J.D. Souther's desire to use it on his first solo album. 专辑曲目: CD1 1. No More Walks In The Wood 2. How Long 3. Busy Being Fabulous 4. What Do I Do With My Heart 5. Guilty Of The Crime 6. I Don't Want To Hear Any More 7. Waiting In The Weeds 8. No More Cloudy Days 9. Fast Company 10. Do Something 11. You Are Not Alone CD2 1. Long Road Out Of Eden 2. I Dreamed There Was No War 3. Somebody 4. Frail Grasp On The Big Picture 5. Last Good Time In Town 6. I Love To Watch A Woman Dance 7. Business As Usual 8. Center Of The Universe 9. It's Your World Now

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Waiting in the Weeds
Eagles--Waiting In The Weeds

It's comin' on the end of August
Another summer's promise almost gone
And though I heard some wise man say
That every dog will have his day
He never mentioned that these dog days get so long
I don't know when I realized the dream was over
Well, there was no particular hour, no given day
You know, it didn't go down in flame
There was no final scene, no frozen frame
I just watched it slowly fade away
And I've been waiting in the weeds
Waiting for my time to come around again and
Hope is floating on the breeze
Carrying my soul high up above the ground and
I've been keepin' to myself
Knowin' that the seasons are slowly changing
Even though you're with somebody else
He'll never love you like I do
I've been biding time with the crows and sparrows
While peacocks prance and strut upon the stage
If finding love is just a dance
Proximity and chance
You will excuse me if I skip the masquerade
And I've been waiting in the weeds
Waiting for the dust to settle down along the
Back roads running through the fields
Lying on the outskirts of this lonesome town
And I imagine sunlight in your hair
You're at the county fair
You're holding hands and laughing
And now the ferris wheel has stopped
You're swinging on the top
Suspended there with him
And he's the darling of the sheik
The flavor of the week is melting
Down your pretty summer dress
Baby, what a mess you're making
I've been stumbling through some dark places
Now I'm following the plow
I know I've fallen out of your good graces
It's alright now
And I've been waiting in the weeds
Waiting for the summer rain to fall upon the
Wild birds scattering the seeds
Answering the calling of the tide's eternal tune
The phases of the moon
The chambers of the heart
The ebb and dart of small gray
Spiders spinning in the dark
In spite of all the times the web is torn apart
And I've been waiting in the weeds
Waiting for the time to come around again and
Hope is floating on the breeze
Carrying my soul high up above the ground and
I've been keepinl to myself
Knowing that the seasons are slowly changing
Even though you're with somebody else
He'll never love you like I do
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看Eagles現場演唱,是我原以為此生無緣的。很早就在Amazon買了Hell Freezes Over的DVD,也一直在網路上猛追Eagles一切的現場MV。很宅又不看報也不看電視的我,直到10天前才偶然得知Eagles來台演唱的消息,大驚之下,半小時內就砸8800訂妥了加演場的位子,並打開Google Maps把場地位置搞清楚。接下來,就是每天期待了。

念大學時,曾和同學在晚會上演出Eagles的曲子,我負責主唱Witch Woman和彈I Can't Tell You Why的bass,第二天立刻打電話給彈solo和另一位主唱New Kid in Town的同學,無奈他們又是沒空又是嫌貴,結果還是只有自己一個人去聽。

抵達會場外時是18:45,天色已暗,人群沒有想像中龐大,廣播不斷宣布已開始進場,不過入口不大需要排隊,我在附近逛了一圈,發現紀念tee shirt竟要1000塊一件,實在沒道理,否則好歹也該買件"2011 Eagles Tour"留念,然後抽了兩根煙我才進場。

等了40分鐘節目才開始,廣播至少威脅五次:演出時禁止拍照錄影,有人違規將中斷演出!我靜靜地評估加演場的售票率,最高處的外圍座幾乎全滿,中間兩色區域大約只賣出一半多一點;至於最高價的floor seats,前幾區全滿,由於票價規劃失當,最後一區則全空著。我對自己挑的位子十分滿意,一點高度、一點角度,距離不太遠,整個舞台盡入眼底。

年輕觀眾比想像中多些,30左右或更小的年輕人佔了一半,相當於50歲的我去看Elvis Presley,Eagles的魅力可見一斑。我前面有個引人注目的一家四口組合,父母大約和我同世代,一兒一女則都是高中年紀,他們旁邊還有一位母親竟然帶著她頂多只有五、六歲的小女兒!

根據網路資料,這場的曲目和昨天完全相同,搭配Eagles的著名"Men in Black"樂隊最高峰時有五、六人同時上場,和2000年Don Henley達拉斯個人演唱會裡小號一字排開的壯觀場面遜色不少,不過他們各司其職,倒沒使表演內容遜色。4+1的陣容有個較不受注意的台柱,那就是取代 Don Felder部分功能的Stueart Smith,他的吉他solo是整場表演的靈魂之一,因此介紹團員時被第一個引介給觀眾。

當小號響起,我立刻渾身起雞皮疙瘩,周圍的人卻還沒意會到接下來的是什麼。Hotel California絕對是我這輩子聽過最多遍的曲子,每一個音節都非常熟悉,而我親身見聞的這場演唱就是那麼令人熟悉,Don Henley這一回也是同樣賣力地邊鼓邊唱,不同的是,他的嗓子已不如昔日細膩,有人說是他的嗓子還沒開,不過上半場臨了時他的沙啞已經十分明顯,連說話也有些梗住。

許多人都描述Eagles此次來台的舞台演出「和CD一樣完美」,我對他們的敬業與專業毫無懷疑,卻寧願能聽到多一點的即興和變化,猶記得當初聽到 Hotel California的live版本時,只因聽出些微的差異就感到興奮莫名;接著有1994年的不插電版本(當時在場的美國觀眾可沒有一個人能從前奏分辨出這首歌),以及2000年Don Henley達拉斯個人演唱會壓軸的「加勒比海/小號」版,Hotel California本身的龐大能量把自己變成了一個平台,只要Eagles願意(加上他們已被證實的多樣化藝術天份),我相信再多的變奏都將受到足夠的喜愛。


Eagles並不是不知道這首歌的魔力,也不是不夠喜歡它,我猜想大概就像Sean Connery辭演007 Bond一樣,他們還有別的創作希望樂迷去move on,因此趁早在第四首就了了觀眾最大的心願,讓他們騰出空間給其他的曲目。只是前一場沒人料到會發生嚴重塞車,致使許多遲到的觀眾沒聽到Hotel California ─ 這使人想起多年前美國舉行的一場眾所矚目的拳王爭霸賽,就在多數觀眾仍在入場時,比賽即已因擊倒而結束 ─ 這些都屬於會在歷史留名的離奇慘劇。

中場休息時和同樣隻身赴會的鄰座年輕人(年紀只有我的一半)攀談起來,他對Eagles的熟悉程度完全不輸給我,不過看起來他並沒事先聽出Hotel California,阿伯總算是扳回一城。這一場的觀眾裡老外並不多見,多年前在中山足球場看Elton John時,前排座位(時下年輕人習稱的「搖滾區」)幾乎都是老外的天下,半場大夥兒跳將起來,沖淡了不少中年亞洲觀眾的靦腆;這一場比起來雖然搖滾有餘,不過觀眾還是滿矜的,演唱過場時後方遠處有幾個老外總會調皮地喊幾句英文,逗得大家很樂。

當永遠的帥哥小生Timothy Schmit開唱Love Will Keep Us Alive時,觀眾群很明顯出現了額外的熱烈反應,我很高興年輕一點的觀眾也得到了滿足。我最喜愛的One of These Nights, Take It to the Limit, Lying Eyes, I Can't Tell You Why, Witch Woman都一一現身,除了沒指望聽到的小品Sad Cafe以外,New Kid in Town和Tequila Sunrise是兩大顆遺珠。我特別喜歡這些歌乃基於個人的經驗與偏好,我為Witch Woman幽暗而神祕的色彩深深著迷,雖然歌詞滾瓜爛熟,卻完全不解其義(全場我印象最深刻的演出也是這首,聲光俱作);又如Lying Eyes,在輕快的搖擺中娓娓訴說一段曲折的悲情故事(最近無意中聽到施文彬剛出的新台語專輯裡就有一首致敬之作).....

說來慚愧,Long Road out of Eden直唱到副歌時我才驚覺這就是演唱會的「主題曲」,原來我對Eagles的喜愛已經滯留在上個世紀了啊。而看來不只我如此,觀眾對較新的作品反應都明顯較為冷淡;如果安可曲出現木吉他版的Hotel california,我可一點也不會介意,但是我老早就參詳過泰國場的演出曲目,眠夢終歸是眠夢。

下半場Don顯然恢復了元氣,台上與台下的互動也逐漸升溫,Joe Walsh在被介紹到時滿場亂跑,不讓聚光燈捕捉到,接著在黑暗中演出抽衛生紙雜耍絕技,簡直令觀眾樂翻了天。在開始唱Life's Been Good前,Joe煞有介事地向觀眾道歉,因為他將要唱的這首歌「把你們都變得怪怪的」,"But it's too late." 他宣布:"You are already weird." 這還沒完,接著他要求觀眾一起發出各種怪聲,事情一發不可收拾,直到他終於玩夠了才停止。

上半場Don也曾展露過一次犀利的幽默,在Joe介紹到Eagles的第一首百萬金曲時,後面的Don冷不防插進來問:"But where's the money?" Joe十分坦白:"Gamble and women…..or I just blew it."─gamble一字在觀眾間引起一陣騷動。

每次看演唱會,現場的聲光效果總是令我這個土包子大開眼界,而這晚尤其令人驚豔,全場燈光的變化絲絲入扣,絕不冷落正在帶領節奏的角色,音樂達到高潮時,全場瞬間大亮,背後的多媒體大螢幕也和節奏無縫銜接,全部的聲響不論如何繁複都是現場產生,沒有一點錯位,也沒有Queen的Bohemian Rhapsody中間的那類罐頭效果。我不時透過望遠鏡凝視主奏/唱者,艷麗的紫色光與黃色反光舞台效果,和DVD上看到的一模一樣。

不過Glenn Frey還是被我抓到一次跑詞,Take It to the Limit唱到"You can spend all your time making money." 很high的Glenn卻唱成"all your love",他立刻發現,神色一斂,下一句就恢復了精準本色。

不知是否是聲光效果作祟,我覺得搖滾曲段的幾首─Life's Been Good, Heartache Tonight, Life in the Fast Lane都比以前聽過的任何錄音精采,四位老練而投入的藝人在台上生龍活虎,很難看出都是六十幾的老人了,或昂首高飆,或戲劇性十足地互尬,莫不信手拈來,和音從頭到尾都是如此令人熟悉地無懈可擊,隨意皆經典。同時我還有另外一項心得─以後聽Eagles的歌,音量都要調到環境所允許的最大音量!

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Eagles--busy being fabulous
i came home to an empty house
and i found your little note
"don't wait up for me tonight"
and that was all she wrote
do you think i don't know that you're out on the town
with all of your high-rollin' friends?
what do you do when you come up empty?
where do you go when the party ends?
and you were just too busy being fabulous
too busy to think about us
i don't know what you were dreaming of
somehow you forgot about love
and you were just too busy being fabulous, uh-huh
a little time in the country
a day or two to slow down
a bottle of wine and a walk in the moonlight
maybe some foolin' around
but you think time is just a magazine
and money's just a thrill
i've waited so long for you to change your way of livin'
now i realize that you never will
'cause you were just too busy being fabulous
too busy to think about us
lookin' for something you'll never find
you'll never know what you left behind
'cause you were just too busy being fabulous, uh-huh
you tell a joke and everybody's laughin'
that's something you know how to do
you've always been the life of the party
but now my baby, the joke is on you
'cause you were just too busy being fabulous
too busy to think about us
running after something that never comes
what in the world are you runnin' from?
and you were just too busy being fabulous
too busy to think about us
to drink the wine from your winner's cup
to notice the children were growin' up
and you were just too busy being fabulous
too busy, too busy
too busy
aw, baby
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屏住呼吸等待,四位主唱一开口 ------ 仍是那完美的和声!意料之外也似乎是意料之中。
什么是音准,什么是气场,什么是职业歌者,答案:Eagles !

Don Henley和Glenn Frey,歌声无以伦比!感人肺腑。
Timothy B. Schmit的嗓音相对于他的鼎盛时期,稍显暗哑,但情有可原,他的曲目音调较高。
Joe Walsh的吉他秀太炫了,几度痴迷。
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吉他高手Joe Walsh! 真功夫是从小苦练的结果。当男孩子都热衷于玩耍时,学生时代的他,就每天在琴房用功,空闲时,不离手的是叔本华的书。


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守护天使 发表于 2011-4-15 10:27
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大概我的心态真的老了,我这两天一直反复听Waiting in the Weeds

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