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Discuz! info: MySQL Query Error

User: mwh127
Time: 2006-7-15 5:46pm
Script: /index.php

SQL: SELECT f.fid, f.fup, f.type, f.name, f.threads, f.posts, f.todayposts, f.lastpost, f.inheritedmod, ff.description, ff.moderators, ff.icon, ff.viewperm FROM cdb_forums f
LEFT JOIN cdb_forumfields ff USING(fid)
WHERE f.status='1' ORDER BY f.type, f.displayorder
Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Errno.: 2013

Similar error report has beed dispatched to administrator before.
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Discuz! info: Can not connect to MySQL server

Time: 2006-7-25 10:02pm
Script: /index.php

Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Errno.: 2013

Similar error report has beed dispatched to administrator before.