发表于 2010-11-14 10:30
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I feel obliged to take maybe one question from the Korean press since you guys have been such excellent hosts. Anybody? This gentleman right here he’s got his hand up. He’s the only one who took me up on it. Go ahead. And Ill probably need a translation, though, if youre asking the question in Korean. In fact, I definitely will need a translation. (Laughter.)
Q: Unfortunately, I hate to disappoint you, President Obama, Im actually Chinese. (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT: Well, it’s wonderful to see you.
Q: But I think I get to represent the entire Asia.
THE PRESIDENT: Absolutely.
Q: Were one family here in this part of the world.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, your English is better than my Mandarin also. (Laughter.) But now, in fairness, though, I did say that I was going to let the Korean press ask a question. So I think that you held up your hand anyway.
Q: How about will my Korean friends allow me to ask a question on your behalf? Yes or no?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, it depends on whether there’s a Korean reporter who would rather have the question. No, no takers?
Q: (Inaudible.)
THE PRESIDENT: This is getting more complicated than I expected. (Laughter.)
Q: Take quick, one question from an Asian, President Obama.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, the as I said, I was going to go ahead and ask your question, but I want to make sure that the Korean press gets a question as well.
Q: Okay. My question is very simple. You mentioned interpretation. I know part of the difficulty being the American President is that some of the decisions that you take, actions you make will be interpreted in a way that are not what you thought they would be or what you meant they would be. For instance, some of the actions you’ve taken were interpreted as anti-business, domestically, in the United States. And as someone just mentioned, some of the actions taken by the U.S. government that you represent as well were interpreted as sacrificing other countries’ interests for America’s own benefit. So you find yourself constantly being interpreted in a thousand different ways. How do you address these interpretations?
THE PRESIDENT: With a wonderful press conference like this that give me the opportunity hopefully to provide my own interpretation. But, look, you make a valid point. We live in a connected world. Everything I say, everything my administration does, anything one of my aides does is interpreted in one fashion or another. In America we call it spin. And there’s a spin cycle that is going on 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And I think that in this media environment, it is in some ways more challenging to make sure that your message and your intentions are getting out in a consistent basis.
But I think that if I’m consistent with my actions and I’m consistent with my goals, then over time hopefully people look at my overall trajectory and they can draw accurate conclusions about what we’re trying to do.
With respect to business, for example, we’ve had in the United States some battles between myself and some in the business community around issues like financial regulation or health care. At the same time, I’ve said repeatedly and I said on this trip, we can’t succeed unless American businesses succeed. And I’m going to do everything I can to promote their ability to grow and prosper and to sell their goods both in the United States and abroad. And the fact that the economy is now growing and trade is expanding and the stock market is up I think is an indication that I mean what I say. And hopefully by the end of my administration businesses will look back and say, you know what, actually the guy was pretty good for business even if at any given point in the road they may be frustrated.
So all right, now I’m stuck with this last one but I think I’ve got to go fly a plane.
Q: (Inaudible.)
Q: What led your administration to decide to try and extract further concessions from Korea on imports of American beef? And did you miscalculate the extent that this appears to be non-negotiable here in Korea? Do you really think you can convince people living in Korea to buy more American beef?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, first of all, beef was not the only issue that was of concern. In fact, a larger concern had to do with autos. And the concern is very simple. We have about 400,000 Korean autos in the United States and a few thousand American cars here in Korea. And people are concerned about whether the standards, the non-tariff barriers with respect to autos is something that is preventing us from being able to compete with very good products.
Now, I think that we can find a sweet spot that works both for Korea and the United States. But I repeat, I’m not interested in trade agreements just for the sake of trade agreements. I want trade agreements that work for the other side, but my main job is to look out for the American people, American workers and American businesses. And I want to make sure that this deal is balanced. And so we’re going to keep on working on it. But I’m confident we can get it done.
All right, thank you very much, everybody. I’m late for my flight. (Applause.)
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