老朱最为人称道的仅仅是“打贪反腐”和98金融风暴中对香港的经济调控,但实际上都是成效不大的 。反而他的几个政治遗产却是现在中国大环境的几大致命源。
可以参考《朱镕基答记者问》(英文版貌似上个月才刚刚发行的) 朱开启了几个恶劣的先例。
如果最终是以相对温和的渐进式转型的方式达到一个比较健康的社会机制,那也没事,如果最终以红着眼睛造反的暴民革命方式推翻,就难说了。渐进式的转型就需要既得利益者不断地让渡退缩,避免矛盾不断累积。如果大佬们都抱着捞足了最多跑路在国外继续花天酒地的心思, 那高压锅在怎么压着,也总有爆锅的一天啊,到时候腥风血雨苦大仇深杀红眼的人可不会给你讲什么道理。
现在,从宏观上党妈妈管得越来越多,从微观上个体只要有机会就想往体制内钻。 这次我顶豆腐凶!别的论坛上见过同样的说法~ 还是豆腐说的对,老朱只会说,现在的高房价不是从他手上开始的,看病贵谁造成的?大学扩招,大学生不值钱谁弄的。 嘿嘿~这次要同意一下豆腐~{:3_119:} [i=s] 本帖最后由 伊万豆夫 于 2011-5-3 19:41 编辑 [/i]
谢谢,在我国知道真相很难。 [quote]谢谢,在我国知道很像很难。
[size=2][color=#999999]伊万豆夫 发表于 2011/5/3 19:31[/color] [url=http://www.jiacheng.sh.cn/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=521436&ptid=68923][img]http://www.jiacheng.sh.cn/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size][/quote]
{:3_123:} 1991年4月8日,七届人大四次会议朱镕基被补选为国务院副总理;1992年6月兼任国务院经济贸易办公室主任;1992年秋任中共中央政治局常委。期间,他主要精力集中于工业、农业、金融业的改革。工业方面致力于解决国企间的“三角债”问题,而农业方面,清理了农村ZF采购“打白条”的现象。
1994年,朱镕基一口气推出财税制度、金融体制、投资体制、企业制度、住房制度、物价体制六个方面的改革。财税制度上推行分税制,使中央取得财政收入的大部分,地方只拿到小部分。银行改革的目的是使银行不再是官员和官商的提款机,把银行专业化,成立政策性银行承担政策贷款的任务,建立现代银行制度。人民币汇率和国内物价取消双轨制,和市场接轨,消灭官员利用特权的寻租空间。强力推行改革使他得到“经济沙皇”的称号。 1997年9月,70岁的朱镕基任中共第十五届中央委员会中央政治局常委;1998年3月众望所归出任国务院总理。
任内,朱镕基继续大刀阔斧地进行经济体制改革和国务院体制改革。1998年就任总理后,他提出“一个确保、三个到位、五项改革”的施政方针。一个确保,就是确保中国年经济增长达到8%,通货膨胀控制在3%之内,人民币不贬值。三个到位,包括国有大中型企业脱困,金融系统改革,大幅削减ZF规模,把四十个部委减为二十九个,人员减少一半。五项改革包括粮食流通体制改革,投资融资制度,住房制度,医疗制度,和财政税收制度的改革。投资融资方面要减少ZF审批,住房制度变福利分房为市场化的住房供应,财税制度中要改革税之外的额外费用。最后要把机构精简和冗余项目省下来的钱投资科研,实行科教兴国。[7] 2002年,他接受记者采访时认为,“一个确保、三个到位、五项改革”已经基本实现。[8]
在改善中国的贪污和国营企业低效率的同时,也出现一些对朱镕基担任总理期间的部分政策有异议的反思声音。质疑主要在于几个方面:其国企改革辞退大批国有企业工人,他们下岗失业。高等教育产业化高校扩招,导致大学生过剩就业困难。低收入人群无法从医疗和住房的改革中受益,加剧了贫富分化 2003年3月朱镕基卸任总理。退休后他很少在公众场合露面,以不谈工作为原则。[10] 他把时间花在唱戏和拉京胡上。据说老生非常专业。[11]
2011年4月22日,朱镕基返回母校清华大学,并于其曾任院长的经管学院出席活动。其间一反9年来不评论时政的态度。不仅调侃了现行的审查制度和宣传制度,号召讲真话,讲实话。还高调批评现行教育制度、谴责大学假论文、基础教育不足等问题。反驳了税收政策制约地方财政的说法。并针对亿元汽车事件表态,称不主张花那么多钱补贴汽车产业。期间还向同学们赠送禁书《中国农民调查》,称希望同学们用事实去对照书中情况。 [quote]还是豆腐说的对,老朱只会说,现在的高房价不是从他手上开始的,看病贵谁造成的?大学扩招,大学生不值钱谁弄的。
[size=2][color=#999999]simon 发表于 2011-5-3 16:19[/color] [url=http://www.jiacheng.sh.cn/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=521386&ptid=68923][img]http://www.jiacheng.sh.cn/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size][/quote]
3、大学生为什么要值钱?让更多的人接受高等教育是提高国民素质的捷径 换位想一下,换做其他人做总理,会怎么做?
至于他的子女问题,这个是社会制度的优越性。就是大家说的拼爹。 其实换任何一个人都不会比他更好。
还有一个问题,我们这个国家讲究的是集体领导制。他的许多政策方针或许就是政治局的意见。 [quote]换位想一下,换做其他人做总理,会怎么做?
[size=2][color=#999999]铜川路 发表于 2011-5-3 20:30[/color] [url=http://www.jiacheng.sh.cn/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=521449&ptid=68923][img]http://www.jiacheng.sh.cn/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size][/quote]一针见血,问题的实质就在这里! PremiershipZhu has a reputation for being a strong, strict administrator, intolerant of flunkeyism, nepotism, and a dilatory style of work. For his hard work ethic and general truthful and transparent attitude, he is generally considered one of the most popular Communist officials in mainland China.[citation needed]
With support from Jiang Zemin and Li Peng, then president and premier respectively, Zhu enacted tough macroeconomic control measures. Favoring healthy, sustainable development, Zhu expunged low-tech, duplicated projects and sectors that would result in "a bubble economy" and projects in transport, energy and agricultural sectors, averting violent market fluctuations. He focused on strengthening industry, agriculture and on continuing a moderately tight monetary policy. He also started a large privatization program which saw China's private sector grow massively.
President Jiang Zemin nominated Zhu for the position of the Premier of the State Council at the Ninth National People's Congress (NPC), who confirmed the nomination on 17 March 1998 at the NPC First Session. Zhu was re-elected as a member of the powerful Politburo Standing Committee, China's de facto central decision-making group, at the 15th CPC Central Committee in September 1997.
The 1990s were a difficult time for economic management, as unemployment soared in the cities, and the bureaucracy became increasingly tainted with corruption scandals. Zhu kept things on track in the difficult years of the late 1990s, so that China averaged growth of 9.7% a year over the two decades to 2000. Against the backdrop of the Asian financial crisis (and catastrophic domestic floods) mainland China's GDP still grew by 7.9% in the first nine months of 2002, beating the government's 7% target despite a global economic slowdown. This was achieved, partly, through active state intervention to stimulate demand through wage increases in the public sector, among other measures. China was one of the few economies in Asia that survived the crisis.
While foreign direct investment (FDI) worldwide halved in 2000, the flow of capital into mainland China rose by 10%. As global firms scrambled to avoid missing the China boom, FDI in China rose by 22.6% in 2002. While global trade stagnated, growing by one percent in 2002, mainland China's trade soared by 18% in the first nine months of 2002, with exports outstripping imports.
Despite the glowing growth statistics, Zhu tackled deep-seated structural problems: uneven development; inefficient state firms and a banking system mired in bad loans. Observers think there are few substantial disagreements over economic policy in the CPC; tensions focus on the pace of change. Zhu's economic philosophies had often triumphed over that of his colleagues, but it nevertheless resulted in a testy relationship with then-General Secretary Jiang Zemin.
The PRC leadership struggled to modernize State-owned enterprises (SOEs) without inducing massive urban unemployment. As millions lost their jobs as state firms close, Zhu demanded financial safety nets for unemployed workers, an important aim in a country of 1.3 billion. China needs 100 million new urban jobs in the next five years to absorb laid off workers and rural migrants; so far they have been achieving this aim due to high per capita GDP growth. Under the auspices of Zhu and Wen Jiabao (his top deputy and successor), the state tried to alleviate unemployment while promoting efficiency, by pumping tax revenues into the economy and maintaining consumer demand. Zhu has won acclaim domestically and internationally for steering the People's Republic of China into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001.
Critics have charges that there is an oversupply of manufactured goods, driving down prices and profits while increasing the level of bad debt in the banking system. But so far demand for Chinese goods, domestically and abroad, is high enough to put those concerns to rest in the time being. Consumer spending is growing, boosted, in large part, due to longer workers' holidays.
Zhu's right-hand man, Vice Premier Wen Jiabao, oversaw regulations for the stock market and campaigned to develop poorer inland provinces to stem migration and regional resentment. Zhu, and his successor Wen, set limits[citation needed] for taxes imposed on farmers to protect them from high levies by corrupt officials. Well respected by ordinary Chinese citizens, Zhu also holds the respect of Western political and business leaders, who found him reassuring and credit him with clinching China's market-opening World Trade Organisation (WTO) accession,[2] which has brought foreign capital pouring into the country.
Zhu remained as Premier until the National People's Congress met in March 2003, when it approved his struggle to clinch trusted deputy Wen Jiabao as his successor. Wen was the only Zhu ally to appear on the nine-person Politburo Standing Committee. Like his fourth-generation colleague Hu Jintao, Wen's personal opinions are difficult to discern since he sticks very closely to his script. Unlike the frank, strong-willed Zhu, Wen, who has earned a reputation for being an equally competent manager, is known for his suppleness and discretion.[citation needed]
During the 2000 ROC presidential election in Taiwan, Zhu gave the warning "there will be no good ending for those involved in Taiwan independence". In his farewell speech to the National People's Congress, Zhu unintentionally referred to China and Taiwan as two "countries" before quickly correcting himself.[3] His stance on Taiwan during his time in office was always with the Party line.[citation needed] 很多时候,太多人只看表面了。其实在那个转型时期如果换其他人或许更差。本不想再这个帖子回帖的,以免又相互抬杠。
朱也一样,个人不认为他有愧对他职务的表现。 挺铜总~~ 其实,朱也好,江也好,温也好,胡也好,都是走在总设计师设计的道路上。
什么GP清官,民本就是民本,永远不是民主。 [quote]其实,朱也好,江也好,温也好,胡也好,都是走在总设计师设计的道路上。
下面的 ...
[size=2][color=#999999]伊万豆夫 发表于 2011/5/3 21:20[/color] [url=http://www.jiacheng.sh.cn/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=521464&ptid=68923][img]http://www.jiacheng.sh.cn/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size][/quote]
比起阿富汗、伊拉克、利比亚好多了~~{:3_119:} 政治问题还是不要讨论的好