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zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:46

[Lǐ Gāng / Li3 Gang1]
A government official (deputy chief of the Baoding City Public Security Bureau) and father of Li Qiming, who in 2010 October hit two girls and killed one of them while driving drunk in Hebei University campus. He proceeded to drive away to drop off his girlfriend but was stopped by witnesses on his way back before leaving campus. When confronted, he challenged witnesses to sue him by saying “我爸是李刚” (“My Dad is Li Gang!”). Li Gang has now become synonymous with being above the law due to government connections.


zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:47

LJ = 轮奸
[lúnjiān / lun2 jian1]
Gang rape.


zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:47

LZ = 楼主
[lóuzhǔ / lou2 zhu3]
The person who made the first/original post or started a BBS topic. Often written as “LZ.”


zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:47

MB = 妈比
[mābī / ma1 bi1]
Probably a shorter version of MLGB that also means “mother’s cunt.” Maybe similar to English’s “motherfucker.” The “B” could be any Chinese character with the “bi” sound like 逼 or 比. In fact, 屄 is the true character but almost never used.


zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:48

“Make Love,” to have sex.:face39::face31:

zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:48

MLGB = 妈了个逼
Mother’s cunt. Similar to “motherfucker” in usage. The “B” could be any Chinese character with the “bi” sound like 逼 or 比. In fact, 屄 is the true character but almost never used.{:3_118:}

zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:49

MM = 妹妹
[mèimèi / mei4 mei4]
Little sister, young girl, pretty girl, or a girl’s private part. Often written as “MM,” which usually refers to a young girl or pretty girls. It can also refer to a girl’s vagina, her “little sister.”


zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:49

[nǎocán / nao3 can2]
Mental retardation, mental disability, mental disorder, or a person who is mentally retarded.


zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:49

[nèi niú mǎn miàn / nei4 niu2 man3 mian4]
Means 泪流满面 [lèi liú mǎn miàn / lei4 liu2 man3 mian4], which is “tears flowing all over face”.


zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:49

NND = 你娘的
[nǐ niáng de / ni3 niang2 de]
Also, 奶奶的 [nǎinai de / nai3 nai de]. Variant of TMD. Damn, damn it, dammit, fuck, fucking.


zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:50

[niú / niu2]
If not used to mean “cow,” it is is used to describe someone or something as being very 牛屄 = niúbī / niu2 bi{:3_125:}

zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:50

NB = 牛屄
[niúbī / niu2 bi1]
When used negatively, it means a very self-important, egotistical, arrogant, cocky person. When used positively, it means a very confident, daring, impressive, amazing person. “Badass” may be a good English equivalent. Often shortened to “NB” or 牛 + any Chinese character with the “bi” sound like 逼 or 比. In fact, 屄 is the true character but almost never used.


zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:51

[ǒu / ou3]
This is commonly used online as a substitute for 我 [wǒ, wo3], often by girls, because it sounds “cuter.” It means “I.”


zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:51

Office Lady.


zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:51

PG = 屁股
[pìgu / pi4 gu]
Butt, ass, buttocks, rear.


zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:51

Original meaning is “player-killing” or “player killer” but it is often used in Chinese internet to mean “competition” or “contest” or “defeating” something.


zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:52

P民 = 屁民
[pì mín / pi4 min2]
Rabble, the lowly people, often used by Chinese netizens to suggest how the government or rich and powerful people view the rest of the country’s people as unimportant.


zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:52

PS = Photoshop
A Photoshopped picture or to Photoshop a picture.{:3_118:}

zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:52

[qiángjiān / qiang2 jian1]


zhuyuhua 发表于 2011-4-6 16:53

[rénròusōusuǒ / ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3]
“Human flesh search” or “human flesh search engine” (人肉搜索引擎) is the Chinese name for when people work together on the internet to find information for a common goal. To “ren rou” (人肉) is a verb.{:3_118:}{:3_118:}[/color]

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